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<h1 class="title">Unleash your content to drive business results.</h1>
<p>OneSpot delivers personalized, repeat engagement with content across your digital channels</p>
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<h1>Content Sequencing®</h1>
<p>Welcome to the data-driven way to build relationships using content. OneSpot’s machine learning technology serially delivers multiple pieces of content to your users based on their interests and digital journey stage.</p>
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<h1>Get personal, at scale</h1>
<strong class="sub-title">CONTENT PERSONALIZATION</strong>
<p>From the moment OneSpot encounters a user, we start to build a Content Interest Profile, a single, dynamic view of the user’s interests, preferences and digital journey stage.</p>
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<h1>Stay connected.</h1>
<strong class="sub-title">REPEAT ENGAGEMENT</strong>
<p>It’s great to get many people to click on your content. But it’s even better to get people to click on many pieces of content.</p>
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<h1>Your content everywhere.</h1>
<strong class="sub-title">CROSS-CHANNEL INTEGRATION</strong>
<p>OneSpot unifies engagement with your content across web, mobile, social, email and display channels - all informed by a central profile and history of each user.</p>
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<h1>Get real results</h1>
<p>Sure, clicks and page views are great. But we optimize for the outcomes that matter most for your brand like awareness, consideration, preference and more.</p>
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<h1 class="title">So let’s chat, request a demo now</h1>
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<strong class="sub-title">Whitepaper</strong>
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<h1>2015 Content Idea Book</h1>
<p>Fresh Thinking From Top Brands to Inspire Content Programs</p>
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<strong class="sub-title">Whitepaper</strong>
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<h1>2015 Content Idea Book</h1>
<p>Fresh Thinking From Top Brands to Inspire Content Programs</p>
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<strong class="sub-title item">Case Study</strong>
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<h1>2015 Content Idea Book</h1>
<p>Fresh Thinking From Top Brands to Inspire Content Programs</p>
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<h1>OneSpot in the News</h1>
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<p>"OneSpot’s real differentiator is its Content Sequencing Engine, which tracks where viewers are in “the customer journey” and targets ads accordingly."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-techcrunch.png" height="32" width="63" alt="image description"></cite>
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<p>"OneSpot can retarget visitors who click on a given ad, permitting marketers to serve multiple ads to the same person."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-addweek.png" height="29" width="78" alt="image description"></cite>
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<p>"OneSpot uses machine learning to predict which piece of content will be the most relevant for a reader."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-adexchanger.png" height="34" width="92" alt="image description"></cite>
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<p>"OneSpot, run by former Time Inc. exec Steve Sachs, turns branded content into standard ad units that can be sold on ad exchanges. ."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-digiday.png" height="20" width="110" alt="image description"></cite>
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<p>"By promoting their content on other sites, Remington was able to reach more of its target audience of female viewers."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-wsj.png" height="34" width="63" alt="image description"></cite>
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<p>"Leveraging the reach and targeting of exchanges for branded content distribution is fascinating; using it as a means to tell stories in an iterative way is even more interesting."</p>
<cite><img src="images/logo-mediapost.png" height="46" width="38" alt="image description"></cite>
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